Herman and Rosie teacher's notes

When Herman and Rosie was selected as 2013's Read for Australia book, a national event where a chosen book is read simultanously on July 21st in schools across the country as part of National Literacy & Numeracy Week (NLNW), they put together an enormously comprehensive resource of teaching notes, plans and activities for teachers and students of every age group. Nine units in total! I am thrilled that many secondary schools have also chosen to study the book as part of their English program with relation to visual literacy and story telling. They have done a wonderful job and I thank all those teachers who worked on them. There is some great material there to help engage discussion among students. Picture books are always more complex than you think. Feel free to download and share.
Teaching Notes K-1 #1 (PDF 1.10MB | DOCX 1.04MB)
Teaching Notes K-2 (PDF 120KB | DOCX 43KB)
Teaching Notes Years 2-3 (PDF 136KB | DOCX 45KB)
Teaching Notes Years 4-5 (PDF 123KB | DOCX 42KB)
Teaching Notes Years 5-6 (PDF 111KB | DOCX 48KB)
Teaching Notes Years 7-8 #1 (PDF 197KB | DOC 101KB)
Teaching Notes Years 7-8 #2 (PDF 108KB | DOCX 45KB)
Teaching Notes Years 7-8 #3 (PDF 126KB | DOC 95KB)
Penguin's secondary school teaching notes (PDF 711KB | DOCX 1.50MB)
Reader Comments (1)
Wonderful work.. That is the kind of information that should be
shared across the web.thanks for sharing..